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Join date: Feb 22, 2021


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Hi. I'm so lucky to have had several different life-pottings so far: government statistician to educational research to merchandising & marketing to executive recruiting to not-for-profits to teaching college-level biz (101 to EMBA) to retirement. Plus, youthful unawareness, dawning self-awareness, increasing self-awareness, continuing surprise at (developing but) limited awareness. Like walking a research uni's stacks & seeing so much knowledge that I don't have & can't possibly acquire. Yikes. But I'm hoping for a breakthrough anyday because learning interdisciplinarily is my favorite thing. Favorite interviewer comment: "So, you can't focus." (Like it's not by choice.) Favorite relationship comment: "You're an acquired taste, like Parisians." (Thank you.) Fave student eval? "Man, you teach like you're beatin' snakes." That's hard to leave, but I'm ready for, I need, I must unearth a transformational kind of pot. That I can't quite define. Especially in a personal crisis. Maybe write a short story or two.

Michael/Mike Massey

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